Monday, April 16, 2012

Meet Emily

Do you ever look back on a time in your life and suddenly realize how significant a single person was? For me, that is Emily. Don't get me wrong, there is no doubt that she was an important person in my life at the time, it just wasn't until much later that I understood how deep that importance really went.

There is a very good possibility that if my friend Emily is reading this post that she will eventually fuss at me for my choice in photos. Who cares? I can take it. The reason I chose it is because it adequately describes her jovial personality. Things that any other person would consider average she finds exciting, fascinating, or hilarious. She certainly taught me how to not take myself too seriously. Her influence in my life is obvious in surface things such as my choice in music and silly little phrases. Emily has an open heart and mind to be constantly learning new things. She can't be categorized. Her heart for worship surpasses her incredible musical talent. In our little group of friends, I would consider her the leader of the pack. Its easy for us to always pick up where we left off. On the not surface level she showed me practically what grace looks like in the everyday. Very few people know as many details of my past and extend grace and friendship anyway. Most have shunned. Not Emily. There is no doubt that she has probably had to come to my defense a few times, and I'm more than grateful than words can express that she did. In the few years that we were close, there were a lot of things I was working through. She showed incredible patience in letting me do so even if it was taking time. What I appreciate more than anything though was her willingness to have the tough conversations. When she saw sin in my life, like a sister in Christ should, she confronted it. She didn't run and talk to others about it. She didn't ignore it. She admonished like scripture calls us to do. Those conversations gave me the accountability I needed in order to grow. There is no telling where I would be without that.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Meet Kaysee

There is no better description than Godly. Its hard to even know where to go from there because every part of her being is wrapped in that one word. Her heart is so full of the fruits of the Spirit that its impossible to not see them oozing out of her. Just thinking about her life gives me encouragement to live mine more and more in love with Christ everyday. She is living proof that God calls the ordinary to work through them to do the unbelievable. In the short time that I had the privilege to be her roommate I learned a lot about spending time in the Word. It is her time studying scripture that gives her a concern for the Nations. The Word of God will spread in part because of Kaysee. True spiritual discernment is hard to come by, but there have been days that her words of correction and support have turned out to be just what I needed. It is a struggle to not compare my relationship to God with what I see in her, but her faith is inspiring. Now that she is a wife and mother, many will gain from the example she sets day after day.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Meet Kenton

The early appearance of Kenton in my 100 people I met in college comes to you do to the fact that he asked me to. There is no shame in admitting it. It was coming eventually, but during my last encounter with him, he made it clear that he was ready to be the star of Monday's Meet. Which is exactly part of the reason he is so dear to my heart. No one else in my life would probably even care much less flat out tell me with such gusto. That's what makes my friendship with Kenton so special. Honesty. We have seen the best and the worst of each other. Through it all, our ability to be gut wrenching truthful has remained. Most of the time there isn't even a need to try to say it with kooth just as long as it is frank and to the point. As far as personality goes, its hard to describe. When I try I end up just shrugging my shoulders and saying, "I don't know, he's just Kenton." One of a kind. To others he may seem overly energetic but to me he has a presence that brings people out of their shells a little to be more real with themselves. This guy is the type that will say what everyone else won't admit they are thinking. And with no apologies. He is who he is. Even if that's a crazy UofL fan! There are more "remember when" moments with him than I can count. He doesn't like to admit it, but I really did teach him everything I know. Skipping class may have been on the list, which probably wasn't a good idea. But heck, I didn't turn out so bad! No matter the weather a good long talk on the campus swings could cure many a bad day. Our friendship grew as I learned more about Kenton than most people know putting many miles on the ole faithful cavalier. I have never been the type to have lots of close guy friends, but he has defined for me what that role looks like. He has never treated me any less than a gentleman should giving me a clear standard to hold other men to. We have depended on each other like any brother and sister would. That's exactly what we are, a brother and sister in Christ living like family. We have seen each other through lots of mistakes big and small. While its true that I can't always defend Kenton's actions (nor he defend mine), I will always defend his heart. He is a good man.

Meet Jazz

Preface: The theme of this came out of a silly idea to compile sort of a personality profile including 100 people I met in college. As my list grows of individuals to write about, my feelings about this whole idea have changed. It has gone from "look how different my friends are ha ha ha" to "wow, he/she really impacted my life." As cliche as it sounds, each one of them have been part of the journey to who I have become. That is so cliche that it almost makes me feel dumb to even type it, but it is undeniable. Some have been a big part of helping me let of go the past, some have laid a foundation of footsteps I want to follow in, and some have shown me exactly the person to never be again. In some way, every college age person goes through this. It really is the time that shapes us. We are shaped by each person that enters our journey and the path that they are on as well. With that said, my heart is thankful for the randomness of those I met in college!

With that said, let me journey back to where it all began! Meet Jazz!

My first impression of this lovely gal was a quite interesting one. We had communicated over email after finding out that we would be roommates at Campbellsville, but you still never know what exactly you are getting yourself into. As we moved in that fall day, bags and boxes started to empty and our personal touches started to be placed around the room. Now, it didn't take long for us to connect as we were both full of energy and excitement to be there. We seemed a lot a like, with similar interests and likes. Which was somewhat true. Then again, I couldn't help but to notice some of the things she was unpacking. The best example of this is the posters: first one up was multicolored butterflies, second one up was puppies, third one up was Good Charlotte, forth one up was Avril Lavine with hot pink lips. Until we got to know each other better, I was convinced my roommate had multiple personalities with her black knee high zipper boots and flowery tank tops . It turned out that she was completely normal and absolutely precious. When the word unique is used, even if not purposeful, it sometimes holds a negative connotation. Jazz gives that word the most positive meaning possible. The girl just does her own thing, and loves every minute of it. Her joy seems impossible to be true, but it is! Our hall was the hall of misfit toys, which could have been miserable since we were so different, but with Jazz it was nothing but fun! Funny experiences just followed us. That year held tough times for both of us, but her will to fight them exceeded any effort I had ever seen. Nothing would make her give up on a worthy cause. Lucky for me, she saw me as a worthy cause. This friend was one that would defend me to the death even if I was wrong. When I think about her, my heart gets heavy wishing that I would have been half of the friend she was to me. See, I got distracted by others a lot, and it caused me to neglect and take her way for granted. If going back was possible one of the few things I would do differently is to show her then how much she meant to me. We worked together on a summer mission team, and decided to take a break from being roommates the next semester. No doubt, the time apart was needed, but one semester would have been enough. While the feeling might not have been mutual I never stopped missing her as my roommate. However, her friendship taught me to never assume someone knows their importance in your life. She's a jewel with a heart of gold. But for sure we had some good times!

Meet Charity

Meet Charity. We met in my first class of my first day of college. Its hard to say what exactly happened after that. Eventually me and the girl in the seat to my left would become affectionately referred to as Chebert. She was a friend to me beyond being able to describe. Tough times came and went, but other ones always found their way back around. That's life. We experienced life. There is no doubt that we had many good times along with the bad. Charity is the kind of person that can draw anyone to herself. She is a zealot, doing everything she does with enthusiasm and persistence. It was contagious too. Laughter came hourly. Giving up wasn't ever an option. Listening seemed effortless. We dug deep into each other's pasts, allowing wounds to heal, and standing by each other's side as we faced our hurts. Leadership ran through her veins. She was a natural at it. She was a hugger, as was I. Not only was she my best friend, but my roommate. And a good one at that. We never were necessarily a lot alike, but Charity had a gift of becoming interested in whatever the important people in her life were interested in. I tried my best to do the same. Its hard for me to admit, but I was always jealous of her mad djmbe skills. Her heart was truly genuine. She cared like nobody I have ever met. We spent all of our time together. Sometime we grained on each other's nerves so badly, but most of the time was so much fun. You don't have to go far to find someone that will tell you about how competitive she was. They probably found out playing Nerts or Guitar Hero. We made mistakes. We had hard times. We had fights. Things weren't always the best, but we always came out of it stronger. I will treasure our friendship forever. Lots and lots of pictures taken will sometimes make me cry and other times make me laugh.

Back in Feburary I recieved a phone call from my dear friend Charity. It very well may have been the last. Without going into much detial, she called to inform me that she was choosing to cut ties with me all together. As you can imagine, this has been a very tough reality for me to come to terms with. I pray for my friend every day. She is dearly missed as an active part of my life. A favorite song of both of ours in college talks about the times when faith has to run deep. During tough times we would both cling to those lyrics for dear life. Tonight, I heard that song. This is when faith runs deep.

In closing, I will leave you with what I most look forward to with my friend Charity.
"When we arrive at eternity's shore
Where death is just a memory and tears are no more
We'll enter in as the wedding bells ring
And we'll sing, You're Beautiful!"

Meet Teresa

You never know how important someone may become in your life. To be honest she started out as one of those people that is always in the background of your life. Being connected more to the people around you than having a friendship of your own. Somehow without realizing it, that all changed. We became friends.

It would take an awful lot to convince me that there is anybody in the world that has met Teresa that didn't like her. We sure had some good times. Most of my stories that start, "This one time in college," not only include her, but were probably her idea. Just to name a few: rubber ducking someone's house, faking an attack in the street, making multiple costumes, driving to North Carolina overnight, actors of the week, and drive by cap gun shootings. Although it was true most of the time, it wasn't fun and games all of the time. Her example and encouragement drew me closer to God than I have ever been. As I wrestled through insecurities and doubts, she supported me by searching together for answers and hope. She lives her passion for sharing the Word with the nations. Not only is Teresa full of ideas but she is also full of the means to accomplish what she sets her mind to. You could sit and talk to her for hours about who knows what, but I assure you the conversation would never be dull. She makes you think about the superficial and important things by asking questions that nobody else would think to ask. She is naturally comfortable to be around. Teresa is accepting of anybody without judgement or assumption. Expect adventure when you are around her. She lives the life of a servant leader as she would go to great lengths to do anything for someone in need. As long as its important to her, its important to those around her. Distance comes with being her friend, but loyalty remains.

Meet Joanna

Meet Joanna.

Some would describe her as a tree hugger. Passionate is the word I choose. Its true that she is all about trying to save the planet, but she is the least annoying tree hugger I've ever met. Talking about it, and doing it are two very different things. She lives what she speaks! In fact, she has been very informative. My lifestyle has changed some because of knowing her. Outside of her passion for science, her personality is fun. You never have to wonder what Joanna is feeling. You can see it all over her face. If she is having a good day, she will be the most bubbly person you could imagine. If she is having a bad day, you will be able to tell within ten seconds. Joanna is a hard worker. We have worked together on and off for a couple of years, and I have yet to see her be lazy. She is committed to her work no matter what it is. She is a helper. Constatnly checking to see if the people around her need anything. She serves gladly. Gerbra daisies are her favorite flower, hince the name of her cat. She knows Friends backwards and fowards. She eats vegtables like its her job. She doesn't eat meat. From Joanna I have learn that you can be passionate about something without being over the top. Also to recycle, reduce, and reuse.