Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Meet Sarah

For several months now I have considered writing a book (not necessarily for publication) called, "100 People I met In College." The five years that I spent getting a higher education taught me more about personalities, friendship, and myself than my area of study ever dreamed of doing. With that said, this blog will begin my journey of compiling a tangible reminder of all the interesting individuals that have crossed my path.

To begin: Meet Sarah.

While I am the definition of an extrovert, she is the complete opposite. Some would say its a wonder we are friends, while others question if we are sisters. Quiet, but quick-witted. Sarcastic, but sweet. Honest, but honestly lies. She is wonderful. There is no doubt that she is called to teach. One of the most important things she taught me is to teach myself. In the end, the only one responsible for what I think, is me. Not only that, but she is a lifelong learner as well, absorbing everything. Her heart breaks over injustice, but lacks mercy when it comes to stupidity. Someone once described her as childlike, but not childish. It fits. Her unpredictability makes being her friend an adventure in itself. Her love for Christ is contagous and inspiring. So is her love for her family, blood and otherwise. It doesn't take long to see that she is willing to give of herself for others. She has given so much for me. One day children will be lucky to call her mom. She looks forward to it everyday. If she was meant to live in a different time period it would be the 40's, as she lives to be classy. Her usage of big words points to her hobby of reading. As time passes, she never ceases to surprise me. Her perspective usually puts mine to the test. She is my accountablity, teacher, inspiration, and most importantly, my best friend.

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