Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Meet Joanna

Meet Joanna.

Some would describe her as a tree hugger. Passionate is the word I choose. Its true that she is all about trying to save the planet, but she is the least annoying tree hugger I've ever met. Talking about it, and doing it are two very different things. She lives what she speaks! In fact, she has been very informative. My lifestyle has changed some because of knowing her. Outside of her passion for science, her personality is fun. You never have to wonder what Joanna is feeling. You can see it all over her face. If she is having a good day, she will be the most bubbly person you could imagine. If she is having a bad day, you will be able to tell within ten seconds. Joanna is a hard worker. We have worked together on and off for a couple of years, and I have yet to see her be lazy. She is committed to her work no matter what it is. She is a helper. Constatnly checking to see if the people around her need anything. She serves gladly. Gerbra daisies are her favorite flower, hince the name of her cat. She knows Friends backwards and fowards. She eats vegtables like its her job. She doesn't eat meat. From Joanna I have learn that you can be passionate about something without being over the top. Also to recycle, reduce, and reuse.

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