Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Meet Teresa

You never know how important someone may become in your life. To be honest she started out as one of those people that is always in the background of your life. Being connected more to the people around you than having a friendship of your own. Somehow without realizing it, that all changed. We became friends.

It would take an awful lot to convince me that there is anybody in the world that has met Teresa that didn't like her. We sure had some good times. Most of my stories that start, "This one time in college," not only include her, but were probably her idea. Just to name a few: rubber ducking someone's house, faking an attack in the street, making multiple costumes, driving to North Carolina overnight, actors of the week, and drive by cap gun shootings. Although it was true most of the time, it wasn't fun and games all of the time. Her example and encouragement drew me closer to God than I have ever been. As I wrestled through insecurities and doubts, she supported me by searching together for answers and hope. She lives her passion for sharing the Word with the nations. Not only is Teresa full of ideas but she is also full of the means to accomplish what she sets her mind to. You could sit and talk to her for hours about who knows what, but I assure you the conversation would never be dull. She makes you think about the superficial and important things by asking questions that nobody else would think to ask. She is naturally comfortable to be around. Teresa is accepting of anybody without judgement or assumption. Expect adventure when you are around her. She lives the life of a servant leader as she would go to great lengths to do anything for someone in need. As long as its important to her, its important to those around her. Distance comes with being her friend, but loyalty remains.

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